SE Asia golf industry to benefit from global golf media promotions


SE Asia golf industry to benefit from global golf media promotions.

With the golf tourism market reopening globally, there is some exciting news on the horizon as the World’s Best Golf Travel Magazine (ref World Golf Awards) is restarting its Asian destination operations in SE Asia.

Globally renowned, Destination Golf Media Ltd has published 87 golf travel guides over the past eleven years, so is great news that this prestigious media company has decided to concentrate on the SE Asia region with a new publication due to be published digitally and in print in mid-December 2022, which will boost awareness for 2023.

CEO & Founder, Dermot Synnott commented, “We have had enormous success with our European and South African guides, and as golf in SE Asia is now developing rapidly, we felt 2023 was the ideal time to enable global golf tour operators and our followers to focus on this exciting region.

The 2023 Asian Guide will cover golf courses and tourism in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Ian Cording General Manager at the Bluffs Ho Tram in Vietnam said, “We at The Bluffs, Grand Ho Tram welcome this new guide and are very excited to be a part of it and welcoming a new international demographic to our wonderful property

Mike Bridge has been appointed the Editor and Ambassador for this project and has had over 15 years as a leading golf journalist in the Middle East and Asia.

Mike Bridge said, “We have some of the most beautiful 18 holes in the world here and many clubs are fairly new, having all the latest technology both on and off the course. Our guide will be focusing on photo-led coverage enabling our readers to actually see the courses up close.

We understand that Golf clubs need to fill tee times not just at weekends. Golf vacationers can not only fill empty weekdays slots, but also tend to spend more in the clubhouse and in town than the average tourist, so the potential is huge.

Destination Golf’s global reach is unique and has strategic partnerships with many leading tourism companies including the International Golf Tour Operator Association (IAGTO), and the European Travel Agents and Tour Operators Association, who represent over 70,000+ tour operators and travel agents in Europe.

Their website blogs are translated into 26 multilingual international websites, and a reach a golf audience in excess of 500,000+ through its strategic B2B Partnerships.
